UX & UI Design
Design interfaces for Web, UX, UI and User Experiences.
Humans today need to connect to websites, apps, video games as well and real-world devices in their day-to-day lives.

This can be challenging as some interfaces require numerous amounts of pages, options and customisation which can be buried numerous levels deep and in an illogical structure.
Utilising UX and UI we can develop an improved user experience which was previously challenging and downright difficult. People should not need a user manual or a degree to use an interface.
The design and structure should be self-evident easy and user-friendly working in harmony with design principles of colour, typography, and visual cues as a complete package to complete their tasks. 

National Recycling Week (Case Study)
Planet Ark has numerous programs they are involved with.
The National Recycling Week was one program they wanted to keep the recycling habit longer than just one week. Their research has suggested many people are eager to recycle but there are factors hindering them from recycling or not consistently recycling.

Things to consider:

• People's current knowledge about recycling
• How Planet Ark could effectively remind the public about recycling habits
• How Planet Ark could reward its users for being proactive
• Consider reviewing BJ Frogg’s philosophy on behaviour change.
The Team:
Robert Moyses, Eric Lieu and Issey Webb
• Sketching pencil & paper
• Figma
• Figjam
• Photoshop
• Planet Ark history research
• Comparative analysis
• Competitive analysis
• User Surveys
• Card Sorting
• User Scenarios
• User flows
An intense two-week design sprint.
The next steps
National Recycling Week (Case Study)
For our next steps:
- We'd like to conduct extensive Usability testing
  which will allow for further iteration and refinement of the product
- We would like to eventually implement Potential features and functions
  like the ability for council action (such as reporting illegal dumping), Community     Recycling progress tracker, and recycling educational resources including relevant news   and events
- On Planet Ark's side of things,
- We'll need you to collect and update relevant council data regarding the council
  guidelines and bin locations,
- Providing us with any feedback and suggestions for the design solution and finally
- The rollout of the app
UX UI Website Analysis
Open Home Loans asked us to investigate the following
• Analyse their existing website and make recommendations
• Investigate the home loan refinance application process and make recommendations
• Evaluate their refinance calculator and make recommendations

The Team:
Gavin Prentice, Robert Moyses, Gisella Balanta
• Open  website research
• Comparative analysis
• Competitive analysis
• User Surveys
• User Scenarios
• User flows
• Sketching pencil & paper
• Figma
• Figjam
• Photoshop
An intense three-week design sprint.
The next steps
Open Home Loans (Case Study)

- Functionality - Review user feedback PDF’s and update to ensure there are no technical    errors throughout openloans.com.au
- Brand consistency - Ensure brand name, logo, colours etc are uniform across each   
- Build productreview.com.au reputation - Actively promote user
  reviewproductreview.com.au to continue to boost trust

- Website layout - review concepts to adjust the layout to ensure a more seamless
- Usability testing - User feedback to continue to refine the site
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