Flexovit - Australia's Favourite Wheel
Australian Made campaign for Flexovit.
I was asked by our CEO Taeke Meerveld to come up with a Flexovit Australian Made campaign. Flexovit is the #1 abrasive cutting wheel in Australia so I imagined Flexovit literally across the nation. I started on a Friday driving home and presented my concept on the following Monday. Taeke loved it and I performed some refinements and we were good.
Taeke had a large poster in his office, which brought a smile to his face every day.
It's great when ideas come together so quickly, sadly some projects do not come together as quickly as this one.
​​​​​​​Celebrating Flexovit 60 Years.
I used the same image for the 60 Year celebration, which was used for banners, print and digital.

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