Ai Image Generation
Exploration and Application
Ai is an emerging technology reaching many different areas of business and more.
AI-generated art can be traced back as far as the 1960s.
Today there are many different Ai image generators available, each having different data image sets and their program to pull images from these sets.
A text-based user prompt interface has the user enter what they wish to create, some can also use a source image while others are starting to be able to use video.
Models are created that draw on millions of different images, because these models are trained on what humans have designed, they can generate very similar pieces of art to what humans have done in the past. They can find patterns in the art that people have made, but it’s much harder for these models to actually generate creative photos on their own.
Here are some of my examples exploring this emerging technology.
I took a different approach from many out there who often just create a single image to post on their social media. I took a different approach, I explored themes and created different elements around this theme then positioned them into a scene. Often as I was creating these elements a picture began building in my head for the scene. These were made for ultra-wide monitors 3440x1440.
The Predator
This is one of my first attempts at using Ai, I thought of the movie Predator and it gave me something very different to the movie, which is great to avoid copyright issues. 
I have included the source images to demonstrate the process and show where these elements are used throughout the project. 
Bubble Bobble
I thought I would try something different and seeing Bubble Bobble is still one of them my favourite games, why not try something nostalgic, cute and similar to a Pixar movie?
Using only a few elements this came together very well and yielded a great result.
Space Pilots
After entering Captain Future into the prompt I had a completely different style and result from what I was expecting, these unexpected results are great. I kept the watercolour style and to me, it is almost like it could be a recruitment poster for Space Pilots/Space Force, perhaps I will make some. More Captain Future to come in a very different style.
Dark Angel Warriors
Initially, I wanted the exact opposite and the prompts I used ended up creating these fallen angels instead. I then saw the potential and created a few more until I built a scene in my head. Yes, I will do the real angelic angels at a later stage, after I get through the ideas I have piling up in my mind and my drive.
Battle Beasts
As I was exploring the prompt resulted in something completely different to what I was expecting. This was like a gold mine as it resulted in so many different great images to choose from, I developed a number of different wallpapers from this one set.
Shard Combat Zone
Using a few of my first test explorations, I developed a scene in my head and started isolating the people from their background along with many extensions of heads and lower body. I then looked at the background and stitched together various images.
The Blue shard was added as the mystery item the subjects are going to investigate.
The male character is different and could be tied to the blue shard as he has the blue glowing neon symbols on his clothing.
1960's Cafe Girl
A summer's day in Italy with a beautiful woman in a summer dress sitting on a Vespa.
This was the scene I had in mind and a few great images resulted from the prompt I used.
Space Pirates
I had this idea in my mind about pirates in space with their sail ships not only water but in the air and space. This crew is on their way to their next bounty.
Abraham Lincoln - Vampire Hunter
There have been vampire hunters such as Van Helsing but Abraham Lincoln would be the ultimate, yes there have been a few movies and this is my take on it. 
Mushroom Forest
Another exploration of Victorian and fantasy H.G. Wells's inspiration.
There are numerous details that begin to build a story in the viewer's mind.
Neo-Neon City
I thought I would explore a neo-Tokyo race meetup of supercars and girls.
I often have to fix numerous things especially hands with deformed fingers.
Yes I have this in my negative prompt but it still creeps into some images.
Heavens Gate
The angel Michael and others standing at heaven's gate.
I wanted to make this some time ago but all these other ideas kept coming up, anyhow some elements did not come together how I wanted, but it is finally out of my head.
See more of my work on Behance Portfolio

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